Thursday, January 27, 2011

posture....snow....wendy' works :)

my friend jordy and i have a thing now.every thursday we are going to wendy's, getting chicken sandwiches, a frosty, and maybe fries, and sitting in the schoolk atrium just talking and om nom noming on our food.its pretty amazing!we have a thing lmao.that sounds dirty xp.OOOHHHHH WELLLL <3 no longer can i have a bad day on thursdays.jordy is just to freaking epic when she's around to not be in a terrible mood. Like today i drove our butts to wendys for food and i got a parking spot RIGHT ACROSS the pec center!THE CLOSEST I'VE EVER BEEN!!!!and then what i did is i stood in a spot that was across from mine so she can move her car that even legal?!oh well.i did it and it was funny and dorky.the only thing i could think of was for her to get her "bitch ass" over to the spot quicker so someone didnt try to kill me for the spot. oh oh oh and earlier today IT WAS SNOWING....and not just like regular snow it was like the really mad snow that comes down really fast and really hard and covers everything in like a split was COLD and something that i didnt need while i walked my tired butt from class to class to wasnt fun but i did it and almost wrecked like 4 times on the way home and the last time i turned i slid down my street to basically my was the most fun yet scariest thing i've encountered all day.i porbably wont be doing it again though.changing the suject again tomorrow night is karaoke!thank the lord i've been SOOOO EXCITED to go!i've also been excited for band as well....i get so excited when it comes to anything music that sad????or even bad????like i get all bubbly and excited and really really eager and impatient.almost like a little kid on christmas waiting at 6 am to open i feel like such a total weirdo.i've come across this bad habit by the way that i get whenever im in band class.i have to sit straight up and on the edge of my chair.i HAVE to.i can't even tell you how many times i've "fixed" it and gone back to it's just weird!maybe its because im getting ready for the posure for band which is why i do it.i've been such a chatty cathy lately not sure why but i totally am....or feel like one.its now going on 6:15 pm.class starts at 6:45 pm.i think maybe i should close this up post to facebook and go get my seat!

btw....i can't wait for the week long thing to end lol i want my last name back </3

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