Wednesday, January 5, 2011

sleep,noises,and peoples stupidity

i feel as if im taken for granted bugs me a lot.not to sound pessimistically but i wont be here forever and who will people depend on then?i was always told growing up to never depend on someone because they wont always be there for you or you'll have to do things on your own sooner or later.after getting tired of hearing this over and over i decided to not depend on people and live as independently as possible and now it seems as if the tables have turned.everyone seems to be depending on me.i try and help as many people as i can but there's always a limit.if you're crying out for attention or something i dont want to help you.not to be mean but i have better things to do than to fight with you about your life and why its worth living.dont you just hate that?when your talking to someone and then they start saying their gonna die and their life isnt worth living any more and you try EVERYTHING in your power to make them stop talking crazy things like this and they dont listen?its SOOOO STUPID!and people who do this and are reading this i have a message for you....PEOPLE WILL CATCH ONTO THIS!!!!personally im really not trying to be really not.once you deal with stuff for so long you tend to where im at its going on 5:20 in the morning and someone or something outside my window is refusing to let me go back to sleep.soo im taking all my frustration out on whatever i can(mainly this).i just yelled at my dog btw.i feel bad for having to actually yell but this shinanagin he plays every night with me when its time to go to bed is rediculous.what he does is he stands by my bedside and i call him to get on the bed for about 10 mins.what he does as im doing this is stand there wagging his tail and looking at me like he doesnt understand what i mean when he actually does since i've been doing this since he was a puppy.this game is really annoying after awhile.anyway i always seem to be there for everyone and since i've found my blog i've found a personal way to get out my emotions and stories or whatever else and feel better.i dont have to confide in a person or anything.its amazing how much freedom something small can bring.

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