Tuesday, January 11, 2011

restless nights never end

these nights are terrible.the curse of a constant thinker.with school being next week and so much going on its hard for me to lay down and sleep.i just lay down and roll around and "rest my eyes" instead of sleep.so now on this evening i just sit in front of the tv or do the wii fit.as of now im doing my laundry because im behind.i got to catch up with a friend of mine who i consider as a sister.i dont think i've seen her since our high school graduation which happened in May, 2010. i'm going to start joining her at cronies for karaoke nights :) a thing that used to be everything to me other than band and something i stopped doing because of personal reasons.there is something on my mind though.drama and "love".mk lets start with drama.i have one too many friends who live drama filled lives.for those of you who do this on purpose WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!is it really worth it to you to get attention?everyone has a reason to why they might do what they do but im really upset that i hear so many friends of mine come up to me to talk to me about someone they love wanting to die or making up stories to get someones attention or doing something drastic in general.people will get sick of this and people will leave or you can get the bad end of the stick and have reality give you a good smack in the face.you have people who care about you and dont like you doing this to yourself and that will get fed up with this because its a constant fight.now about love.personally im quite skeptical of it because most relationships i've had were based off lies and no trust.after awhile that gig gets old and you question if its really really out there.and then there are those people who are out there who start dating for like a week or a few days or something and are just "head over heels" in love with one another and get hurt when the relationship doesnt work.ok under certain circumstances are you able to love somebody after dating for a week or two.this circumstance being you knowing this person for a year or more and having a strong attraction for them.if your one of those people who just met one another a week ago and started dating not long after i hate to be the person to tell you you arent in love.its more like lust.give it time.if you rush it it wont last and you guys might get hurt.if you do give it time then it might not work out still BUT it might turn into something really beautiful and it might last.you shouldnt do anything stupid with them but if you do its your choice.always be careful though <3

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