Friday, January 28, 2011

:o] <---- face of epic cuteness!

soooo yesterday was a total both good and bad.the bad is the trip that some kids in the GSA group are going on.that was just chaos in a least my dog got to see the campus i go to when im not with him.i would take him to cronies and other places i go to when im not at his side but it didnt feel neccissary since im mostly at school with my friends.but i waiting in my car for jordy to arrive and when she DID finally arrive we like rushed in there and nothing felt organized at was like for real?fucking a this is ridiculous.then of course i got fed up and snapped(kinda).what's weird to me is i actually dont feel bad for snapping.i guess i just finally hit my breaking point with the stupid crap.ehh oh well.i know later today i have lunch with people for the vagina monologues....if i got a part or something.i  have no idea when im gonna hear from them but im so nervous!at least i can do whatever i want :) but after the thing at school i went home and got ready for was with my non-biological sisters breanna and sara and then jordy and her girlfriend alexa joined us along with meg.since i was used to breanna and sara being there and singing in front of them i got extremely nervous to sing in front of jordy,alexa,and meg.i dont think they'd care but i fear of looking like a fool or something.i'm prolly gonna gather some courage and sing next friday whether they come or grandma said she wanted to come sometime too.i have to remember that lol.i got swarmed by my dog and my sisters dog though when i got home.they are now the things keeping my feet warm <3 lol

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