Sunday, January 16, 2011

father time sped up O_o

sometimes i wish i knew how to turn off my thinking brain.i cant help but think!it never stops!ever!whats worse is to actually focus i need my ipod or music or something streaming through me to focus.maybe school will help with that problem.i go back tuesday.up at 5 am for a workout then get ready for school at 6-ish then leave around 6:50 am.gotta be to school by 7:30 am 4 days in a row!thats not too bad i could always be very glad of the progress ive made on the wii fit though :) i've lost 3 lbs so far!i didnt have much of a work out today though :/ i got up late and the tv didnt work and when it did everyone came home.i got 14 mins in though plus the time i spent dancing around my room.when school starts i'll be getting more exercise thankfully.climbing up and down stairs with a backpack on my shoulder and walking from building to buidling.ahhhh i cant wait!it'll help with losing weight right?PLUS when it gets warmer i can start riding my bike again :) and run outside and do sports.i dont like having the craving for sweets though when im trying to loose weight.random fact: I'VE BEEN SODA FREE FOR ALMOST 5 MONTHS :) probably one of my GREATEST accomplishments ever is getting soda out of my life.i have so much left to do before school starts tues.hopefully i can get most of it done also looking forward to fridays now more than ever.i get to go hang out with my sister(not biological) sara at cronies for karaoke night :) its the greatest feeling in the world to get to go up in front of strangers and belt your heart out!i dont think i could ever get sick of it.i also had something strange happen hit me on how nice i actually am.ive been living in this live for going on 20 years and it JUST NOW hits me of how nice i made me feel all warm inside :) maybe my purpose is to help not sure but helping people always feels right.on a last note i'd like to apologize for my blog was not to offend people but to get the point the across that you shouldnt judge people and be so closed minded.its really annoying that a person can just sit there and judge ok?so once again im very sorry to have offended anyone.

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