Wednesday, January 12, 2011

job hunting for the bagillionth time agian :/

stupid terrible days >:/ they are getting on my last NERVE!!!!and bad luck is ALL i seem to be getting.normally im not superstitious but this is starting to get flippin ridiculous!i understand that good people tend to suffer but GEEEEZZZZZZZ!!!!!!there HAS to be some limit somewhere?!it really wouldnt be all that bad if i had some of the things i really want right of them being a not picky but i would like something in the food industry since thats where im hating these stupid self assessments for job applications as well.i mean really?!they HAVE to be the "do or die" part?i mean if you fail its almost not worth the time it took to fill out the damn application in the first place!im seriously getting desprite.i miss babysitting :( it was such an easy job to get paid for.i need to find 2 jobs but im having hell trying to find places that are hiring.i did find a place that does training for culinary students though.idk if that pays or not though :/ i might just apply to burger king and mcdonalds by my house.if that doesnt work i'll apply to jessicas and so on and plus there IS  new taco bell opening by my house that i might be able to apply for.otherwise im more than happy doing small stuff around a persons house or walking dogs or something.maybe i can even give music lessons over the summer?idk but i need something asap.being jobless isnt working for me in the slightest bit :/

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