Monday, January 3, 2011

winter break=piece of cake

im soo off lately.its the wierdest thing.normally im on top of i guess being in college has finally sunk let me start by saying the start of my new years was amazing :) i spent it with my friends cupcake & koco and cupcake's sister and my was a blast playing guitar hero aerosmith and plan for our summer road trip.couldn't have ask for something better than that.all my friends, or the majority of them, go back to school on the other hand doesnt not have to attend school again til the 18th of this break is still another 2 weeks and going by quickly.that doesnt bother me too much because i miss my friends.i mean my college friends at meg and jordy and emily and john.despite my fear of people(thank you ex boyfriends) im starting to let my guard down with them.that makes me happy and panics me at the same time.we are in a club called GSA(stans for Gay-Straight Alliance) and that club has already gotten into some battles but they are now resolved thankfully.they are pretty great people :) i talk to this girl meg a lot and she's recently seems to find my blushing and my ocd of spelling funny.theres this other girl named emily who says im like her which makes me happy since i found someone who i have stuff in common with.i also met ellie and alanna.ellie is really outspoken and pretty funny. alanna is pretty cool too.i dont know her too well yet.john is well....john lol.he has a "big gay headbutt" he's going to use to break down my walls of steel.i like talking to them all but i hope my fear of people passes because i would like to be closer with them.i dont have a new years resolution either and i dont think im going to make one.i dont want to make something i wont stick to and i dont want to have to worry about it the whole rather just live life as it is.

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