Wednesday, January 26, 2011

vagina monologues and the fear of nice people XD

its been soo long since i last wrote a blog!so much has been happening!soo next month in february my school's GSA club will be going on a confrence to Ann Arbor, michigan for a LGTB conference!im very excited to go!and we FINALLY got enough money for my friend to go!I ALMOST CRIED WHEN I FOUND OUT <3 !!!!!i would be really freaked out if she couldn't go.i'd still go but i'd rather have her come.i'm still kind of nervous about the trip though.its my first *LGTB conference.its nothing like it would be for band for sure.i'm scared i might not like it or something will happen or something!i dont like to think so pessimistically but its the only way im thinking lol.

ok soo last thursday my friend jordy and i went to wendy's for dinner or snack or whatever you call was in the evening and we got it so we werent hungry during class.we met this lady and she comes up and asks us if we want to participate in something called the "vagina monologues". we had to ask her about 5 times before we were sure she was saying vagina. probably the most random and epic thing ever!we talked about the "vagina monologues" and signed up for audition times. today i had my audition :) i think i got a part.if i didnt i'm more than happy to help!they basically had me read lines to make sure i was ok talking about vagina's and saying the word it was one of those things i couldn't help but laugh at when it was over because it was just so random!and i talked with a friend old friend who i always fought with.i want to try patching things up with him at's the least i can try to do.oh oh oh....I HAVE BAND TOMORROW NIGHT <3 <3 <3 <3 i cant wait!!!!its that one class i can't wait to come around!even if it is 2 & 1/2 hours long or around there.its amazing and fun and i wouldn't trade it for the world <3.

ok so im totally changing the topic.soo last semester(fall semester 2010.which is also my first college semester) i met all these cool people in *GSA.There's this one girl that im a lot alike.we kinda hardly talk but she's soo cool.and then there's this other girl right?and like (this prolly will sound sooooooo incredibly lame) but she was one of those people that stood out to me a lot.yeah that sounds extremely corny then everyone we met in club added one another and she was one of the first people in club to actually talk  to me!she's talked to me awhile after that.she's pretty pretty amazing!like she can get me to blush cherry red and makes me smile lots and she makes me lose the game....thats important since she always "wins".she's like really really goofy and has add problems.and like the other night it occured to me that i talk to her a LOT and i get to know all these fabulous things about her....but i've been in my shell this entire time and i'm still afraid of her and she's sooo nice!HOW CAN I BE AFRAID OF A NICE PERSON?! not sure but im afraid not as afraid of her as i was before but im still afraid.anyway as i was saying....i talk to her a LOT and i get to know a lot about her....then out of the blue it hits me that she prolly knows nothing about me!lol besides the other girl i mentioned she's the one i talk to about every day!and i've been talking to her since sometime last fall semester....sooo im totally worried about letting my guard down but yet i want to.its the least i can do since she's been nothing but nice and goofy and fabulous to me.i'm sure i can trust her.i see no reason not to.

so to a new beginning....i shall shed my walls :)
man i sound corny tonight lol

*GSA=Gay Straight Alliance
*LGTB=Lesbian Gay Transgender Bisexual

1 comment:

that_one_kid4 said...

i should mention too that in the last paragraph that i AM talking about two different not mentioning names for privacy reasons but they are two different people.