Thursday, January 6, 2011

last night occurred something extremely bizzare.i heard noises coming from my it possible it was my imagination since i heard it at 4 am?possibly.but even if it wasnt it was start off to the new year?im sick and it sucks.bed ridden with a hurting throat and upset stomach being able to do NOTHING but sit on the computer or draw or something.maybe a day every week or two to be lazy i would be sick and do this is a different story.gosh dang it this least a friend of mine has hooked me up with some music :) and is talking to me.idk why but it helps calms my nerves a bit.not sure why but it does.i want to get better.i want to go to pep band friday and actually play.its not required at least for me since im no longer in high school but its something fun to do in my spare time if im not busy :) i've become addicted to a new song.if you've heard of it.its called a little peice of heaven by avenged sevenfold.thank you to megan(she gets all the credit for it because she's the one who introduced me to it) i will probably be singing that forever other than the song "where is my hairbrush" from veggie tales.i am soo tired just needs to get here faster.then i can have my mind focus on something.but sadly enough up until then my mind is thinking of random nonsense.

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