Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I LOST THE GAME....take that sir hehe

i would like to know who invented this thing called "the game".i've been playing it for countless years and this is the first time EVER i have lost this much!COME ON!!!!Yesterday i lost about 10 times!I mean REALLY?!?!And its more or less John's fault for introducing meg to she's making me lose because she likes my reaction.Gahhhh!!!!WHY WAS THIS CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?!?!Or a better question would be WHO WAS BORED ENOUGH TO CREATE THIS DUMB GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?And no im not angry.Just plotting my revenge.I think i might get back at them during my trip next month.I can't WAIT to go!A whole weekend for a LGTB convention.I'm greatly excited and nervous at the same time.Excited because its my first LGTB convention!Who WOULDN'T be excited for something like this?!However, I'm nervous that i might not like it.I'm also worried its not going to be what i expected it to be....but at the same time im not even sure what to i guess i can't be disappointed with something im not sure of what to expect?

ehh...ANYWAY....i dont think i've mentioned before that i play musical instruments....well i do..the bass,clarinet, and piano.I'm EXTREMELY excited that band re-starts tomorrow.i've been waiting so long for it.AND its my last class before the weekend too!that makes it even better!Then friday i get to go to karaoke again.thats another thing im looking forward to.

onto another note.i started my spring semester of college far i love it.besides my band teacher i have all female teachers and i like them.i have nothing bad to say about them yet.i hope it stays that way.i hardly get along with female teachers.other than band im most excited about my english class, nervous about french, and really tired during math.i missed my 5 am workout this morning so i wasnt prepared to climb all the steps i had to today.i made it though!and i didnt know how much of a maze it is in the top of the ERC building!i got so lost and i was there 20 mins early!i walked up there and took two seconds to look around before i went in my head "oh fucked." lol. i wasnt trying to be negative but it was creepy upstairs.its just weird.maybe because i havent been there before?oh well.i'll get used to to do math though :)

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