Friday, January 7, 2011

gummi bear sickness

sickness might be my worst downfall if its bad enough.i have been sick for going on a week i think and the past two days i've had to completely rely on my brother and mom and grandma to get stuff because ive been too weak to move.i havent been able to leave the house and see friends and have had to remain bedridden and sit in front of a tv.its extremely boring.i dont like having to rely on people to take care of me.maybe im too independent but i feel annoying when im sick and i wish it didnt get to the point to where i was weak and couldnt move.i managed to watch a total of 8 movies in one day and also watched my first episode of jersy shore.idk what to make of it.i kinda laughed because the pointless drama that started was just the heck to people have short fuses like that?anyway i'd right now id do just about anything to get rid of whatever is keeping me like to be able to see my friends.i had to pass up a pep band game with some friends at my old high school and it kinda bummed me least there is another one next friday and hopefully i will be attending that one and hopefully i'll be able to see some friends too.ughhh i just need some time to vent.hopefully i can remember later what i actually wanted to say.

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