Wednesday, February 2, 2011

people are really starting to not surprise me

ok let me start by saying blog site is for venting and getting things off my not full of myself, im not a bitch, and i realize there are more important things in the not sick of people judging me without getting to know a person i have feelings and you certainly dont get yourself or comment on something you know nothing about.its not any ones place.if im mad im mad.theres this thing in life called respect.learn it live it love people who read my blogs and ARENT close friends or relatives you have no idea what shit i go through on a day to day basis.i hardly ever open my mouth when i have a problem because i feel selfish.i know that there are people dying of starvation and people living on the streets.I GET THAT PEOPLE HAVE WORSE OFF THAN ME!!!!really im not that stupid to not see it.i help people on a day to day dont have to respect my views or how i act or who i hang out with but its not going to change for anyone who doesnt like it.i dont take crap from anyone and thats the fucking truth.i hold in a lot and most people wouldnt even guess that i not a fake im real and tell it how it fucking is.believe me or not im a lot smarter than i come off to be.go ahead and judge me because you obviously dont know me.if you did know me you'd know that i really dont give a damn if im judged or hated.haters gonna hate.either way the point is nothing is going to not going to purposely change what i write in my blogs because people dont like it.its dont like half the things life throughs at also no pathetic cry baby.i dont want any ones sympathy or strong enough to handle it on my own.but think what you want but nothing is changing and you dont have to like my blogs.dont like them?dont read them.theres a smart solution.thanks for your time.

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