Wednesday, February 23, 2011

click click BOOM!!!!

at this time i currently feel very not too sure what i want or what im going to do about this but its not a good thing at all....errrr sooo it seems at least.that LGTBQQ trip thats in Ann Arbor, Michigan is almost that i mean its 1 hour and 30 mins short of being a day away.its kind of scary.i mean i AM excited since the last time i did travel with friends WAS for band in the 8th grade but that was also for a performance i was REALLY looking forward to.this is just a convention and im still not entirely sure what to expect from it.GAHHHH IM THINKING SO PESSIMISTICALLY!!!!WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!maybe its my nervousness talking?and everyone's like "dont be afraid.its gonna be ok!"....its like i wish i knew HOW to control how i feel right now instead of being all over the place.i decided it would be best to take the morning off from my classes tomorrow though so i can pack and get ready and what nots.its not like it'll take long im sure but i am an insomniac so i dont get much sleep(especially during times like this when i have more than mountains of stress about things) sooo i DO have to try to sleep and get as much of it as possible for friday so i get up and THEN i have to figure out if i am staying the night at johns house the day before the actually debating.if i go then i can/might have a freak out moment,jordy wouldnt have to come get me,and everyone would see how funny i sleep.if i dont jordy will be coming to get me and i can/might have a freak out moment.ohhh the FUN of anxiety.

oh well.onto better things!like how today i went out shopping with meg and jonnie and jonnie bought me a little green skirt :) i LOVE it(thank you jonnie) and i got to help me at salvation army.we hung out with Cayli and Alanna for a bit too until they had to was fun!hopefully things dont go down the drain this week :/ i think i should just get my kingdom hearts 2 game going as i do my laundry and wait for jordy to get on.ttyl!

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