Sunday, February 20, 2011

think clever....

so my panic mode is of now.the trip for michigan is STILL ON for this nervous and excited at the same time.nervous because there is supposed to be a lot of people going to this thing and that makes me a little uncomfortable.excited because i get to leave and live a little.sounds pathetic i know but its true.sooo im also sorry i havent updated recently.i didnt get home til sunday night.i was gone friday-sunday night and i didnt have my laptop(i will on the trip for updates).im not sure if i mentioned this in my last blog but on friday i went to my friend johns house/apartment thing.i went for a group function thing for gsa even though it wasnt was more of a hang out/social wasnt through the was ok got boring from time to time and it started getting really uncomfortable so im just going to go with ok.when that ended though i went over to my friend jonnies house and meg tagged along with us.we sat in the basement and talked for awhile then meg left when she was tired and i stayed the night.then later that day jonnie's dad took us out to lunch.pats diner is amazing and yummy <3.i LOVE their hamburgers.after that we went back to jonnies to get somethings then my house then went to megs house for another sleepover.that was AMAZING!!!!!though i think i annoy the crap out of her and i feel like im always in her personal  bubble....yet she says she doesnt have a personal bubble and doesnt care.i tend to disagree but maybe its just probably is me but oh well.i'll eventually snap out of it.i dont want to say i think shes lying but i think shes hiding something.once again it MIGHT just be me.another meeting tomorrow and class and....the trip is this weekend.i gotta find my suitcase and do laundry and pack and what not.i hope this week comes and goes....AND I HOPE ITS WARM!!!!!!

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