Wednesday, February 9, 2011

genie in a bottle....

sooo i wrote a blog earlier this morning that took me 3 hours to not sure if im gonna post it or not since its really really long.i might end up doing it this weekend if i have the time.its random and its just all the things currently on my mind.

whats on savvy's mind as of now:
-my thing with jordy
-getting bracelets
-the team buidling thing
-the lgtb conference
-my nieces 5th birthday
-my friends 19th birthday
-the vagina monologue meeting

is that it?it doesnt feel like it....oh i know!how bout the fact i ACTUALLY just opened up to someone and i almost cried?!most amazing thing feels like a bunch of weight is off my shoulders!will i open up more?maybe.i think im starting wishing for a LOT right now.i'd love to trade for a few months or something so i wasnt wishing for anything.or at LEAST have some courage :/ gahhhh life just sucks.maybe its just the month that sucks.idk anymore :p

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