Sunday, February 13, 2011

:o] friends and family

wow mk i have SOOOO much to tell :) that dance i went to on saturday was by FAR the most amazing gsa event i've EVER attended!!!!!megan is HILARIOUS when she has alcohol in her system.its ok she's got her friends and family close to her x) lol i met some really awesome and amazing people and megan being there was even better!every one was hilarious and i was basically myself for the first time in a very long time :) it felt really nice to come out of my shell with people i hardly know(other than megan).gahh i want to do more events like that with them :) i feel bad i didnt sell the bracelets but i was really nervous and didnt know what to expect so i figured i wouldnt bother.i will sell them again or we can bring them to the gsa convention thats almost a week away and sell them might work ya never know.

meg took lots of photos and hearing her "drunk" was pretty damn funny.we went to a gay bar and as we were leaving i reminded her to get her purse and check to make sure she had everything then i had her do a soberiety test lol she missed her nose the first time and it was hilarious!OH OH OH i saw her turn red!!!!!it was adorable!and we played the dating game with everyone who was at the dance before hand which was also hilarious!i cant remember the question but there was a question and someone's answer was "kill the bitch".lmao best thing ever!!and family and friends lol that was amazing too.that whole night in general was just amazing <3 im soooo happy i went!im glad meg went im glad i met a bunch of people and im VERY glad i had a blast!i want to be apart of spectrum a lot more now!but im gonna need the money for that!

i also mentioned to megs that i felt like a weirdo since i know her i feel like a creep.she's just been really open though and im really glad i can actually be myself around her and tell her things :)ehh maybe i am crazy.i really really really loved the comment that a lady mentioned last night too.meg was messing around with a stress ball in the shape of a heart and then i wanted to try and when i gave up i gave it back to her and the lady next to meg was like "awwww you gave her your heart" and i was like "well she had it first....errr i mean the stress ball thing first".lol it makes me question things now XD or maybe im thinking too much.i changed my facebook profile(not blog page but personal page) to a picture i absolutely LOVE of meg and i.i give jordy credit.she might be right but im also not that sure i wanna know.ehh only time shall tell :)

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