Saturday, February 12, 2011

wish me luck :X

ughh so week has been eventful in a bad way :/ lots of car getting stuck.a dance and a gsa gathering.a french test and a math test and a paper due in its a lot but i think the ONLY good day so far has been my thursday with jordy.that girl can really make me laugh.friday was great to the most part except when it turned all just seem to fall apart for me then.why? because we had a gsa event i wasnt very thrilled for or prepared fear of people got in the way big time.ughh it was terrible.i was too afraid to speak or be around anyone AND on the way there with jordy meg jonnie and alexa i just bawling uncontrollably.i felt TERRIBLE that i was just bawling even if it was for an understandable glad jordy meg alexa and jonnie were at least concerened and trying to make me feel was hard to do aynything yesterday honestly.i still feel bad that i bawled.i know i had a reason but still.i wish it never happened.well i get to go to a dance today which i am excited for but nervous at the same more nervous and afraid than actually excited.i never met any of them but meg says they're good people and i have no reason to doubt her supposed to go to sell bracelets for club.i havent figured out how im gonna go sell bracelets and not freak out.i kinda wanna have fun but idk if id get comfortable enough to do kinda wondering if i can just return them and say i wasnt comfortable selling them which i kinda am not comfortable doing so.selling the bracelets tonight that is.ehhh maybe i should talk to jordy about really just hoping that things will be ok tonight.thats all im really asking doesnt have to be big and fancy or anything i just want a nice if i sell remaining bracelets what do i do with the tub and any money i have from sales?ughhh....maybe i can hand them to meg on monday or something and she can sell them at spectrum.she knows them there so she might be better at it lol

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