Monday, April 4, 2011

hope came knocking :)

GAHHHHHHHHHH i have not made a blog in FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!my sincerest apologies :( a lot has come about recently that has prevented me of blogging.

instead of giving you the scoop of that though i have something else to tell you....

I HAD A JOB INTERVIEW TODAY :) and it totally made my day on sunday when i got the call for the interview.i was going to give up ever finding a job since most places have already rejected me :/ i had the interview at dollar tree for a part time position.its at LEAST a job and i'll take what i can get :)

for any of you that have seen 102 dalmations i was thinking of that once i got my call :) im really hoping for the best <3

1 comment:

oil painting courses said...

I like your blog!...Daniel