Friday, March 18, 2011

time wrap to my past O_o

i went to karaoke :) it was amazing!!!!

onto the REALbusiness....i was on twitter today(im normally not)and i found some PRETTY interesting that i haven't updated a tweet in two months(up until yesterday).i decided to take the time to look upon what i HAVE tweeted in the came to my attention i made the twitter account after 5-6 months of dating one of my ex's to use as a place and way to vent because his family and friends of ours could've seen my facebook and told what i was saying on facebook to him to make my relationship more miserable than it already was.basically meaning that twitter was ONLY used at the time to help me vent about my crappy relationship and it was a place him,his family,or his friends(or my friends that he knew) knew about....which therefore means that they couldnt repeat anything i was saying on twitter to him and he couldnt yell at me or freak out or something....or my friends couldnt freak out on him then have him freak out on me for them freaking out on him....

am i making ANY sense?

if im not im EXTREMELY really hyper.

but after reading ALL THOSE TWEETS i kind of wish i would've talked to somebody or gotten help or SOMETHING instead of spending almost 2 years with someone who treated me like sh*t.the majority of them were deleted.i at LEAST saw my relationship heading for disaster at some point(from what i saw in my tweets).i think i was in it for so long was because i was scared or WAS a crappy makes me ponder what was going on in my head at the time....because i kept going back to him.i kept getting hurt and treated like crap.the majority of that was repressed until i read those it just doesnt leave me alone.

at some point it will....until then....sleep is what needs to be dealt with

Thursday, March 17, 2011


sooo was definately something i could put down in the "weird" book.i'm not exactly sure WHAT happened or what is going on i could just tell you that it was weird....well at least the end part of my day was.see yesterday i went to Oregon, IL with my girlfriend to go to a friends house to work on boxes for our GSA club.Before we actually got ANY work done we went to play basketball at a park nearby.we played H-O-R-S-E which was fun :) we all kind of failed though.ok so AFTER we got done playing horse we went to my friends house to work on the boxes.the boxes were the "help me" box, the "awesome" box, and the "opinion" box.they're supposed to help our club out since drama and what not has been going on.i missed wednesdays meeting(03/09/11) because i was sick and not feeling well and i guess i missed a lot.i was actually QUITE surprised to what i found out on monday.i dont think i should repeat on here because i dont think thats right but i DO know that its all very was a weird way to start off spring break.AT LEAST i got better so i could do something over totally jumping everywhere again....GAHHHH sorry just a LOT on my mind.

ok so im going to jump to something last minute.i have a few things left to say before i go.

1)for ANYONE that hasn't heard whats been going on in japan....there was a really really bad massive matter where you are from you should care about this.a LOT of people lost stuff.i heard Sandra Bullock donated $1,000,000 to help people in that right?bless her heart <3 she's definately some one i look up to as a role model.anyway....i think no matter where you are you should donate something to people in japan.they need the help.

2)random but....i've lived out one of my dreams today.i got a stuffed(aka plush) dinosaur when i was hanging with my friends and girlfriend.i've named him Bentley.

3)there is ALWAYS someone who cares about you.(another random thing but i'll eventually explain if i remember)

4)i've found out that since i've started blogging almost 300 people have been reading my blogs from all over the world <3 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READS MY BLOGS <3 <3 <3 <3 you have no idea how much it means to me :)

5)i want EVERYONE who reads my blogs to do me a HUGE HUGE HUGE favor <3
please "like" my page on facebook(if you have a facebook)

page link--------->!/pages/Savvys-blog-channel/127416620662560

and/or write me an email telling me your thoughts,opinions,what you would like me to talk about,etc.

please and thank you :)

bye guys <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011

bullsh*t cookies O_o

ok soooooo....i KNOW i havent posted a blog in a long while.i apologize O_o i've been EXTREMELY busy....which surprises me cause i didn't think i'd be as busy as i have been.since the trip a LOT has been going on.i lost a "friend" recently.its nothing im upset about but the reasoning behind it is DEFINATELY stupid as hell.i wont get into it but once not upset.its no skin off my nose.and i dont doubt that it makes me sound like some sort of bitch or something but its not the first time this has happened.will this "friend" keep their word on not wanting to speak with me again?no idea.but im free of this persons drama and bullshit and im quite happy with this.sorry if i sound like a bitch but im not going to sugar coat this.drama seeking people wo CONSTANTLY use the "im going to kill myself" card because shit in their life is not going their way is STUPID and RIDICULOUS and SOMETHING YOU DO NOT KEEP SAYING NOR DO YOU EVEN SAY IN A JOKING MANNER!!!!!you REALLY think no one cares?you really think ending your life is going to solve ANYTHING?!well guess what?it doesnt.its a selfish act that hurts everyone who loves and cares about you.there is always SOMEONE who cares about you.i dont like it when people joke around about it.

ok so happier notes :)

i have a girlfriend <3 i am VERY happy about this and i loves her a lot!i've been staying the night at her house a lot recently hence the not many blogs being posted.sorry :) gosh i wish i could put into words my feelings for might make me sound weird but i've liked her liked her for awhile but i was always so scared to tell her because i didnt wanna look weird or get shot down or something.i could talk about her all day if i really wanted to....that makes me sound weird such a freak :o we've been dating for a little over a week though and i can say im happy.she makes me forget all the bad stuff that i've been through in the past and she cares.she really really cares.she makes me cry tears of happiness and she's just all around the most amazing girl ever <3 sorry babe but i have to cut this one short or its gonna be a longer blog than it needs to be :) love you!

ok soo i was sick.getting better though!it started monday and progressively got went from just my stomach hurting me to EVERYTHING hurting and some other things that i wont go into great detail was NOT pleasant and as i think of it i probably could've writting a blog during the time i wasnt sleeping....oops!my bad....sorry....i probably should think more on these things....then again i WAS sick and my head WAS clouded./grrr face.

....i covered the girlie,being sick,being busy....OH i almost forgot a couple things!
1)panic at the disco(if ANYONE listens to them)they will be having a new c.d. coming out(not sure when).im SOOOOO freaking estatic about this!!!!I WANT IT SOOO BAD <3

2)my cousin has a shirt selling business.i probably should've mentioned this awhile back but it's slipped my mind.i will post the link of the store site online.he has really good shirts at really cheap prices :) i encourage all to go check it out!

ok so on THAT note....imma go make cookies now <3 bye!