Thursday, March 17, 2011


sooo was definately something i could put down in the "weird" book.i'm not exactly sure WHAT happened or what is going on i could just tell you that it was weird....well at least the end part of my day was.see yesterday i went to Oregon, IL with my girlfriend to go to a friends house to work on boxes for our GSA club.Before we actually got ANY work done we went to play basketball at a park nearby.we played H-O-R-S-E which was fun :) we all kind of failed though.ok so AFTER we got done playing horse we went to my friends house to work on the boxes.the boxes were the "help me" box, the "awesome" box, and the "opinion" box.they're supposed to help our club out since drama and what not has been going on.i missed wednesdays meeting(03/09/11) because i was sick and not feeling well and i guess i missed a lot.i was actually QUITE surprised to what i found out on monday.i dont think i should repeat on here because i dont think thats right but i DO know that its all very was a weird way to start off spring break.AT LEAST i got better so i could do something over totally jumping everywhere again....GAHHHH sorry just a LOT on my mind.

ok so im going to jump to something last minute.i have a few things left to say before i go.

1)for ANYONE that hasn't heard whats been going on in japan....there was a really really bad massive matter where you are from you should care about this.a LOT of people lost stuff.i heard Sandra Bullock donated $1,000,000 to help people in that right?bless her heart <3 she's definately some one i look up to as a role model.anyway....i think no matter where you are you should donate something to people in japan.they need the help.

2)random but....i've lived out one of my dreams today.i got a stuffed(aka plush) dinosaur when i was hanging with my friends and girlfriend.i've named him Bentley.

3)there is ALWAYS someone who cares about you.(another random thing but i'll eventually explain if i remember)

4)i've found out that since i've started blogging almost 300 people have been reading my blogs from all over the world <3 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO READS MY BLOGS <3 <3 <3 <3 you have no idea how much it means to me :)

5)i want EVERYONE who reads my blogs to do me a HUGE HUGE HUGE favor <3
please "like" my page on facebook(if you have a facebook)

page link--------->!/pages/Savvys-blog-channel/127416620662560

and/or write me an email telling me your thoughts,opinions,what you would like me to talk about,etc.

please and thank you :)

bye guys <3

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